Sunday, January 14, 2024

Session 163: Honor Among Thieves, Not Among Thorns (1/14/24)

Verget the 15th.

The PCs go about their tasks to gather up the porter and link-girl they had with them at the Dwarf Lord's Rest, so they head out to the Twin Lizard Tap where they expect to find Oatmeal. It turns out he hasn't been seen in a few days and is reportedly using his Gravers' Guild earnings to gamble, out in the village of Livenoak that the group has visited before. They also ask about Crethien's whereabouts, but run into more problems there. Knowing that she runs with a shady crowd, they decide to visit the Dirty Dagger Alehouse in order to find someone they could inquire with. The barkeep tells them that they should seek out Ivellio Roodeye, a local expert in the activities of thieves, that often frequents this very location. He's not present for the time being, so the PCs decide to do some further recruiting.

They head to the Cathedral of Blades in search of hiring on a clergy member for healing purposes, and it just happens that the place has attracted a crowd due to a visit by Regent Luciot Halfarne. Finian manages to make a scene, insulting the pompous leader, and continues to trade barbs until the clergy round him up and take him into an office. Finian tells them of his requests for a healer to accompany the Guild dig, citing that it's not merely a profitable venture but one that can help the Province in general as it will involve the mysterious sabotages at the Underway. The Cathedral is hesitant to offer any of their clerics in residence, but offers him a writ to get the services of one Everie Tasker, a soldier with clerical experience who is stationed at Skachalo, where the PCs are headed to begin with. Finian leaves the Cathedral after a few more choice words with the Regent.

After gathering some more information, the trio decides to head south of the Keep to possibly infiltrate the Floivin Sewers, where rogues are reputed to hide out, thinking that Crethien might be held down there. As it is heavily guarded, they change courses, staking out the Dirty Dagger Alehouse for Ivellio Roodeye, who they find and tail. He ends up spotting them and they have a conversation in a location away from prying eyes and ears. It turns out he is reforming his old guild 'The Stride' and doesn't know about the whereabouts of Crethien, only she is possible involved with the Thorns of Arjun, a secretive humanoid organization of assassins and criminals who Ivellio considers a rival to himself. He has a lead on the Thorns, an old woman by the name of Strekla who can occasionally be found at the Fish Market in Hobfast.

The PCs decide to chase that lead later, in the meantime they're to rescue Oatmeal from his vices and head off to Skachalo to recruit Pvt. Tasker and meet with Oskar and Tess.

PCs: Finian Redfoot, Gary Greasewax, Indrid Hosspotch

Ivellio Roodeye (elf male): A confident looking wood elf with handsome features and just a few tufts of grayness in his long blonde hair. He wears a fine brown cloak and breeches with a fine gold tunic, but a number of leather pouches bulge from beneath the tunic. A sheathed short sword and dagger are worn at his belt.