Arkana Arkiva: The finest (and only) magic users' guild and academy in Floivin Province, the Arkana Arkiva bases itself out of the wondrous Flabbergast Manor, a magical stronghold with the ability to shift itself to numerous places within, without, and below the Vernal Valley. It can also alter its appearance depending on the location in which it is moored; sometimes it will appear in its full, stone glory, other times only the front entrance might be visible, or some other front to the Manor which allows entry. There are rumored to be magical markings within the Keep that help direct the inquiring parties to the Manor's location, but few know how to read them. For a few years after the events of 868ID, the Manor remained moored to its lakefront locale near Halehusk, but once some time had passed, and any immediate dangers receded, the Headmaster deemed it safe to 'go mobile' once more. Most mages taking up residence within the region will be expected to register themselves with the Arkiva, or be forever harassed by both its members and the Last Eidolorn. Those who are the most experienced at particular schools or styles of magic are given the rank of 'Deans'. The Manor can provide a wealth of training options and information within its substantial studies, and the mages and specialists within have many uses for adventurers.
Membership: 20-30
Leader: Headmaster Schnoo the Sorcerous (human male), in his second Tenure
Banner: Two hands in various hand symbols, burst forth from the pages of an open tome.
Bounders: The Bounders are well regarded in the Empire and beyond as a loosely knit organization of heroes and do-gooders that volunteer themselves to tackle problems, usually those which creep into the edges of civilization. Individuals of many races belong to the organization, some unusual to see. They are generally ranked by seniority, in so much as how long they have been involved, how many goals they have accomplished, etc. Even freshly minted initiates have undergone at least three substantial missions to attain their membership, so it's generally considered a bad idea to mess around with such accomplished adventurers. Bounders are gifted with a few magical trinkets and supplies that can help them on their voyages, and generally can be identified by the fine quality cloaks they wear, which bear the Bounders' icon and status patches (copper for initiate, silver for journeyman, gold for veteran), should the need arise to seek them out for help (or to offer some in return). At present there are only a handful of Bounders who have recently set up in Floivin Province, many of which are helping deal with the threats of the humanoid tribes at the Haunted Horrn. They also maintain a campground at Cedarway, the easiest means to contact them.
Membership: 10-15 (in Floivin Province)
Leader: Nazlareth Moontemper (centaur female)
Banner: Leaping hare with spear.
Cathedral of Blades: While the physical Cathedral of Blades is the central church to Eleste, saint and goddess of the Eidolorn Empire, located in Floivin Keep, the phrase 'Cathedral of Blades' has also become synonymous with the actual clergy of the Province, which consists of Favored Blade priests, paladins, clerics, and other devotees. The Cathedral performs marriages, funeral rites, exorcisms, baptisms, healing, and consecrations for the population at large, in addition to the regular weekly religious services they host at their physical locations. Tithes of 5% are expected from the church's following and regular attendees. The highest ranking member of the Cathedral is the current Regent of Floivin Province, a stern Archprelate from Carbadi who was sent to replace the Imperial Architect Velvedine. The Cathedral often has adventurers within their ranks, or those who they would gladly loan out on Imperial-approved missions of mercy and exploration.
Membership: 150 clergy
Leader: Arch-prelate and Regent Luciot Halfarne (Riven human male)
Banner: Long sword, blade down, imposed over stone tower.
Circle of the Crow: Serving as both the clergy of Crake, the Warden of Roads, and as the local druidic order, the Circle of the Crows is a gathering of druids, clerics, rangers, and Gadabout priests which meets once at the turn of each season to feast and discuss their travels and various wards throughout the Province. These meetings are held at one of the shrines to Crake, in Hobfast or Littlewolf. Generally there are only a handful of the Circle active in each of the Crown Pasture, Frail Forest, Skunk Ridge, Tooth Marsh, and Vernal Valley, with a couple outliers who keep tabs on the Keep, or scout the roadways to neighboring areas like Sothos Karr, Wintersbreath, Toul Tabor, and the Fox Knoll. Circle members are welcome among halfling, elven, and a few human communities where they are free to seek shelter with locals who share their faith. Unlike some stricter druidic hierarchies, Circle members do not battle with one another for station, there are too few and they are too focused sharing the task of watching their lands. There is no strict leadership, but usually a public 'representative' is chosen, and those seeking the Circle will be referred to that person. Currently she lives among her folk in Littlewolf. Due to their small numbers, the Circle often seeks aid from adventurers and explorers to deal with problems that crop up.
Membership: 20-30
Representative: Shayla the Swineherd (elf female)
Banner: Crows circling a central raven (Crake) with herbs in its beak.
Gnarlbottom Clan: The most populous of the dwarven clans in Floivin Province, in fact a large percentage of the other local dwarven lines stem off this one, which has many a hero and legend in its own history. The Gnarlbottoms have remained fairly affluent even after the annexation of their land to the Empire, and they can be found in most walks of life and/or communities throughout the Vernal Valley, the second highest population in the Province beyond the Riven humans of the Empire that took over. They are quite territorial over their sacred sites and ruins such as the Dwarf Lords' Rest, the Hall of Mercies (formerly the Sunken Forge), and the many barrows and family tombs that lie in the Skunk Ridge. In fact, some are extremely protective of the Keep itself, an amazing work of dwarven craftsmanship to which everyone else is merely an 'occupier'. There has also been a rebirth of interest in old dwarven religions, manifest in the newly finished Hall of Mercies, which has drawn a new host of dwarven kin from surrounding lands, and irked the Cathedral of Blades. Regardless, most dwarves have consigned themselves to their plight, and get along with the other races. They generally flock to the guidance of their elders, one in particular.
Membership: 1500, give or take (in Floivin Province)
Leader: Monch Gnarlbottom (hill dwarf male)
Banner: Hammer, lake and crown.
Gravers' Guild: Though they've only recently established a small presence in Floivin Keep, the Gravers' Guild is an organization known far and wide across the continent of Thault and other lands far beyond that. Rumor even has it that on some far off, unexplored continent they've even built an entire city. The focus of the Gravers' Guild is on exploration, archaeology, and acquisition of relics from great and mysterious civilizations of the past, and their wealthy elite members are known to sponsor and fund entire expeditions to distant territories, dungeons and ruins. Their offices and clerks document all finds as well as lists of able bodied adventurers and freelancers who can be hired on to these expeditions, and once you've gotten a couple under your belt you are permitted to apply for full-time membership and the ability to rise through the ranks. Their imprint thus far on the Province has been minimal, a few groups have trekked out to the Haunted Horrn and Crowslode, though they are also trying to get permission to document the Dwarf Lords' Rest, which the Gnarlbottoms have thus far hesitated to grant them. Inquire with their office at Floivin Keep if interested.
Membership: 20 (in Floivin Province)
Banner: Lantern and golden spade.
Hosspotch Holdings: The predominant halfling clan of Floivin Province, the Hosspotch have their small hands in quite a number of local businesses, not the least of which is their Hosspotch Holdings chain of supply stores, with branches in many of the local Vernal Valley communities and even a couple beyond. The family is headquartered at Hobfast, where you will find the largest population, and some years ago has fallen under new leadership after its secretive matriarch Grandmother had passed away. The current Grandfather is far more social and public, and puts a better face on the Hosspotch, who have long been distrusted for their alleged dabbling in theft, fraud, charlatanry, smuggling, forgery and extortion. A large percentage of halflings in the region all share the same last name, so they've got their ears and eyes everywhere, working in tandem with as many other local organizations as they can to boost profits. The Hosspotch often have a need for adventuring types and enforcers to take on problems both open and secret.
Membership: 1200 (in Floivin Province)
Leader: Grandfather Jordyn Hosspotch (hairfoot halfling male)
Banner: Kicking pony with coins for eyes.
Last Eidolorn Guard: The Imperial military of Floivin Province, they have been put through quite the ringer in the last few decades, having their ranks decimated through numerous conflicts that have come to claim the Vernal Valley. Thankfully, the Empire has realized their struggles to some degree and has sent many reinforcements from Nobbish, Toul Tabor and Carbadi to replenish them. Though the main body of Last Eidolorn Guard is found at Armory Square in Floivin Keep, there are soldiers assigned to all of the other local communities, even Littlewolf, and in recent years, they've built some new bulwarks against neighboring threats, such as Fort Gurd, Fort Hoary, and Camp Reedrustle. The ruins of Ettenhead have also been converted to a military village where soldiers and their families eke out lives between assignments. Last Eidolorn soldiers are generally divided into four types: infantry, cavalry, archers and conscripts, with officers hailing from each, and holding rank over all. There are also attachments from the Cathedral of Blades and Arkana Arkiva which will accompany the Guard on missions or conflicts which require their particular skills and magics. They also are known to put together smaller Ops teams, for various official purposes, which often involve deputized mercenaries and adventurers rather than the soldiery proper.
Membership: 1200 (soldiers, officers, and conscripts)
Leader: General Scott Morrow (human male)
Banner: Leaping bass over crossed hammers, indigo/silver colors
Reddenbalm Family: One of the two major high elven clans who control the hamlet of Littlewolf in the Frail Forest, considered to be largely outside the jurisdiction of the Empire despite its physical presence within their borders. The Reddenbalms are highly skilled musicians, fortune tellers, dancers and dramatists who pride themselves on entertaining the Floivin populace, and can often be found out and about the various other communities performing at taverns or traveling shows. They have a long term feud with their close neighbors and kin, the Roodeyes, and whilst the conflicts between them are rarely ever violent in nature beyond some drunken stupidity, the patriarchs are often trying to one up each other, while their families are content to prank and sabotage the others. Every 20 years, the day to day mayorship of Littlewolf is transferred to the opposing family, and the Reddenbalms had to recently pass that on. The Reddenbalms often employ outsiders for various reasons, not the least of which would be to tamper with the Roodeyes and their own hirelings.
Membership: 150 (in Floivin Province)
Leader: Herr Jaeger Reddenbalm (high elf male)
Banner: Flute, leaf and crystal on tarot cards.
Roodeye Family: The other of the two major high elven clans who control the hamlet of Littlewolf in the Frail Forest, considered to be largely outside the jurisdiction of the Empire despite its physical presence within their borders. The Roodeyes are highly respected artisans and artists, with a lot of painters, jewel crafters, woodcarvers and weaponsmiths among their population, whose works are prized across the entire Eidolorn Empire, and are commonly sold by Roodeye merchants that wander Floivin Province and beyond. They have a long term feud with their close neighbors and kin, the Reddenbalms, and whilst the conflicts between them are rarely ever violent in nature beyond some drunken stupidity, the patriarchs are often trying to one up each other, while their families are content to prank and sabotage the others. Every 20 years, the day to day mayorship of Littlewolf is transferred to the opposing family, and the Roodeyes recently acquired the charge. Whilst slightly more pragmatic than their kin, they can prove just as petty, and are also known to take on hireling adventurers to further their own ends against their rivals.
Membership: 130 (in Floivin Province)
Leader: Silas Roodeye (high elf male)
Banner: Beautiful wood-carved female face on oak tree.
Skirkwhistle Mining Co.: A large enterprise in its homeland of the Sixth Province, Melesthesz, the Skirkwhistle Mining Company is a guild of prospectors, laborers, engineers, jewelers, and merchants who focus their collective prowess on great undertakings that can enrich themselves, their families, their Province, and in some cases, the Empire at large. One of their latest projects is the Underway, a projected subterranean roadway that is to be burrowed below the Vernal Wall and help strengthen commerce between Floivin Province and its Melesthesian neighbors. The Skirkwhistles are known to employ and promote all manner of procedural ingenuity and ingenious equipment; for example they are using a hydraulic process with water pressure cannons to help clear the Underway faster than it would take with pick-axes alone, and like their esteemed Regent Shann-hai Riggings, they like to use balloons to ferry themselves about the Empire. They are often interested in employing adventurers and mercenaries to assist in projects that involve some danger, and are aggressive in recruiting those craftsmen, inventors, foremen and others who can further their scope and profitability.
Membership: 250 (in Floivin Province)
Leader: Abus Wigglebrick (rock gnome male), Deeds-man & Director of Floivin Operations
Banner: Squirrel with a hammer and pick in twin tails.
The Stride: The Stride was the local thieves' guild of Floivin Province, at one point holding sway over most organized criminal activities in the region, although sharp enough not to confront the Last Eidolorn whenever possible. This all seemed to change in 868ID, when the majority of the guild was slaughtered by The Score, a band of nefarious former slaves of some ability who didn't want the local scoundrels to catch on to and/or interfere with their designs. A handful of members escaped, like Slab Squatbottom, Luz, Triff, and Banghorn, but all were either slain or retired shortly after. Somehow, nearly 20 years later, the Stride has returned, under some hidden and resourceful new Guild Master, and with a new symbol. The membership is still rather small, but they've got their ears and eyes out to recruit outsiders who show some promise and know how to turn off their morals for some fun and profit. Another local band of humanoid cutthroats, the Thorns of Arjaunt, offer them stiff and deadly competition. The Stride no longer occupies the 'Belowtown' district of the Floivin Sewers, however, so if you want their services, you'll have to find them.
Membership: 25-30 (estimated)
Leader: Unknown
Banner: Boot with knife-blade.