This page will soon be updated for Pathfinder 2nd edition.
Bugbear: Several of the major humanoid threats, including the Blooded Lash, Blood Eagles and Skull Collars are comprised of a large number of bugbears. In particular, the Blood Eagles are drawn exclusively from this stock (with a handful of goblin slaves and cannon fodder). Any PC bugbear would likely be an expatriate of the Skull Collars who has seen what the group can do and respects them, preferring to fight for the 'winning side'. But be warned, this choice will bring instant hostility from many of the 'standard' races in the setting, and you have to have a damn good reason for becoming a hero! CBoH.22
Kits: Mine Rowdy, Oracle, Pit Fighter, Scavenger, Sellsword, Shaman, Tramp, Tribal Defender, Wandering Mystic, War Priest, Witch Doctor
Dwarf: Floivin Keep and the surrounding lands were once the territories of old King Kleeth of the Gnarlbottom Clan, but were annexed by the Eidolorn Empire during the Expansion Wars, some 150 years past. To this day, dwarves still exist in the area, many the direct descends of Gnarlbottom, eking out lives as smiths, craftsmen and wishful prospectors in the Vernal Valley. Many still hold a grudge against their human 'benefactors'. All local dwarves are from hill dwarf or mountain dwarf stock, although the rare deep dwarf or arctic dwarf (FR: The Great Glacier) from Wintersbreath might pop up from time to time. CBoD 30-32
Kits: Animal Master, Axe for Hire, Battlerager, Champion, Clansdwarf, Crafts Priest, Diplomat, Dwarven Chanter, Entertainer, Ghetto Fighter, Hearth Guard, Highborn, Locksmith, Outcast, Pariah, Patrician, Pest Controller, Rapid Response Rider, Ritual Priest, Sharpshooter, Temple Guard, Trader, Vermin Slayer, Vindicator, Wayfinder
Elf: Two bands of high elves are known to inhabit the Frail Forest east of Udders Well, the Roodeyes and the Reddenbalms. They roam the the land like gypsies, serving as entertainers and guides to the communities of Livenoak and Littlewolf, and some claim that the two are highly competitive with one another for both resources and human audiences. It's possible that other elves might drift through the Province from time to time, and these might include grey elves or sylvan elves. Most elves in the region worship Crake or Eleste, although there is a small following for Corellon. CBoE.80-81
Kits: Archer, Collector, Elven Minstrel, Herbalist, Huntsman, Spellfilcher, Undead Slayer, War Wizard, Wilderness Runner
Gnome: These small folk are very rare indeed within the confines of the Vernal Valley, and those who are encountered tend to be small families or individuals passing through the Udders Well region to the heartlands of the Eidolorn Empire. Rock gnomes are occasionally found in Floivin Keep as street peddlers and magicians, while tinker gnomes from Melethesz have had a greater presence in the region due to the highway being build beneath the Vernal Wall. Forest gnomes are rarer, but might be encountered in hidden rustic areas of the Province. most CBoGH. 20-33
Kits: Breachgnome, Buffoon, Gnome Professor, Goblinsticker, Imagemaker, Mouseburglar, Rocktender, Stalker, Treetender, Tumbler, Vanisher
Goblin: The slightest of the goblinoids are quite common in Floivin Province and surrounding regions, both as small independent warbands or members of larger tribes like the Skull Collar mercenaries, the Blooded Lash out of Haunted Horrn or the Blood Eagles (where they are not treated well). A PC goblin would likely be a wanderer who comes across the PCs and thinks he or she has something to offer, or an expatriate from the Skull Collars, or perhaps a slave of the Blood Eagles who has escaped their grasp. As with bugbears, there must be a damn good reason why one would show up as a PC, and they face the same racial hostility, especially from dwarves. CBoH.35
Kits: Oracle, Pit Fighter, Scavenger, Sellsword, Shaman, Tramp, Tribal Defender, Tunnel Rat, Wandering Mystic, War Priest, Witch Doctor
Half-elf: Within the Vernal Valley, it is not unheard of that a human and forest elf will couple, usually the result of some drunken revelry. The unfortunate offspring are generally sent to live within Floivin Keep and the surrounding human communities, though the Roodeyes and Reddenbalms often find it entertaining to impose them upon some distant relative in the opposing clan.
Kits: Archer, Collector, Elven Minstrel, Herbalist, Huntsman, Spellfilcher, Undead Slayer, War Wizard, Wilderness Runner
Half-ogre: The rare product of an ogre-human union, often one of revulsion and/or violation, half-ogres are not generally tolerated within the lands of the Eidolorn Empire due to their crude dispositions and size. The exception has often been made, as for Commander Brygmog 'The Gutter' of the Fourth Eidolorn army, but these are exceptions who had to prove themselves through a number of beneficial deeds, such as routing clear enemies and years of good service under human superiors. CBoH.46
Kits: Mine Rowdy, Oracle, Pit Fighter, Sellsword, Shaman, Tribal Defender, Wandering Mystic, War Priest, Witch Doctor
Half-orc: South of Udders Well and the Vernal Valley, beyond the terrible tower of Mimresh, lies the Fyreklaw, a hostile and volcanic barrens in which only the vile orcs have managed to carve out a civilization, under the iron rule of Dror Gheel, Slavemaster of Sothos Karr. Gheel is himself a half-orc, and it highly possible some unfortunate offspring of the Fyreklaw orcs and captured humans slaves have managed to escaped through the Mimresh into the Udders Well region.
Kits: Mine Rowdy, Oracle, Pit Fighter, Scavenger, Sellsword, Shaman, Tramp, Tribal Defender, Tunnel Rat, Wandering Mystic, War Priest, Witch Doctor
Halfling: Though no person claims to know precisely when and how they arrived, it seems these small folk have taken up residence in Floivin Keep and the surrounding communities. Most of the local halflings belong to the Hosspotch, both a family and guild of peddlers and wheelers who have their stubby fingers dipped in many of the local merchant ventures, both the legal and illicit. Most of the Hosspotch halflings are hairfoot, although stouts and tallfellows from elsewhere in the Empire are not uncommon in the Province. CBoGH.68-70
Kits: Archer, Bandit, Bilker, Burglar, Cartographer, Forestwalker, Halfling, Healer, Homesteader, Leaftender, Mercenary, Oracle, Sheriff, Smuggler, Squire, Trader, Traveler, Tunnelrat, Urchin, Whistler
Hobgoblin: The same restrictions apply for hobgoblins as their bugbear and goblin cousins, in terms of needing a great reason to be PCs and the racial enmity they will face from the majority of others they encounter. However, hobgoblins are somewhat more rare in the setting. They usually serve as elite troops in the Blooded Lash or the Skull Collars, weapons trainers or other roles fitting their martial, regimented nature. In fact, hobgoblins are infrequent enough that the PCs have known most by the very names of those they've defeated (Ironballs, Dvagol). CBoH.36
Kits: Mine Rowdy, Oracle, Pit Fighter, Scavenger, Sellsword, Shaman, Tramp, Tribal Defender, Tunnel Rat, Wandering Mystic, War Priest, Witch Doctor
Human: The dominant race within Floivin Keep and the surrounding region. The humans of Udders Well are fair-skinned, with a mixture of Franco, English and Germanic features and names. Most humans in Floivin Province and spread throughout the Eidolorn Empire, Alkinarre, Quelm and several other areas of Thault are known as the 'Riven', cut off from a far East continent which they fled at one point. The Riven have lived on Thault already for many centuries, sometimes in conflict with the Shann, the native human stock who are rougher, heartier and in general crueler folk populating lands like Vandrokk, Dashnear, Braul and Thelos Retch. There is a third breed, whose features are duskier and darker colored (think Southeast Asian) called the Lhazon who too have populated parts of Thault (Durindesh and the Robber-Kings) from a far off land.
Kobold: Not a popular species among the folk of the Eidolorn provinces, but at the same time kobolds are considered rather harmless by comparison to the organized bands of bugbears, hobgoblins and such that fester and rise in the corners of the Empire. In Floivin, for example, there are various bands of kobolds found raiding along the Pinewater river, or in the depths of the Udders Well sewer system. Kobolds run the same risk as other evil humanoids of total social castigation, even when going 'good', but it's certainly possible that a few might break the shackles of their race's stereotype and take up the mantle of adventurer. CBoH.38
Kits: Oracle, Pit Fighter, Scavenger, Sellsword, Shaman, Tramp, Tribal Defender, Tunnel Rat, Wandering Mystic, War Priest, Witch Doctor
Lizard Man: Encountered rarely outside of the Tooth Marsh in Floivin Province, perhaps some other swamps in the region; the lizardfolk have only recently come into the public's awareness. Although a PC lizard man would be rare and likely problematic, they are sympathetic to the Floivin plight and possess an utter loathing for the local humanoid tribes like the Skull Collars and Blooded Lash, who have run skirmishes against their kind as they moved against the Eidolorn. So they're a slightly more welcome option than other local humanoids. CBoH.40
Kits: Pit Fighter, Scavenger, Sellsword, Shaman, Tramp, Tribal Defender
Orc: The kingdom south of Floivin Province, Sothos Karr, is a brutal orc homeland ruled over by slavers and warlords. It's definitely not a welcome place for any orcs whose morals come into contrast with their peers, so those seeking peace or freedom will often escape through the Mimresh into the Vernal Valley. A fair number of these refugees take up a life of hunting or fishing in the Tooth Marsh, and a handful conduct friendly trade with the halflings of Hobfast. Still, orcs will often be feared as spies by soldiers and officials, so they can have a difficult time of it. CBoH.49
Kits: Oracle, Pit Fighter, Scavenger, Sellsword, Shaman, Tramp, Tribal Defender, Tunnel Rat, Wandering Mystic, War Priest, Witch Doctor
All races use their standardized racial traits and stats from the Player's Handbook, the Complete Book of Humanoids or other Complete race guides.