This page will soon be updated for Pathfinder 2nd edition.
The majority of the AD&D core classes are permitted, and you may specialize or customize them further by choosing a kit from one of the respective Complete class or race guides. Also, list of barred classes and kits is included beneath, largely due to cultural flavor of being supplanted by other options (barbarians, etc). A few have been left out for balance reasons, and could be revisited later.
Apothecary: The apothecary might not be the best suited for combat and adventuring, however it could be a good choice for a PC interested in roleplay of this particular archetype, since it is not an uncommon trade in Floivin Province. Some apothecaries have shops set up in various communities, while others might be rover traders of their wares. S&S.8
Appraiser: As with other Sages & Specialists, the appraiser is hardly a character you want on the front line in a combat, but if this set of skills and the roleplay it offers are attractive, it's a welcome character option, especially as they often interact with adventurers. S&S.23
Barbarian Fighter: Though a barbarian would be an anomaly within the Vernal Valley region, especially within Floivin Keep, it is possible that he or she might filter through en route to other lands of the Eidolorn Empire, or perhaps escaped from Sothos Karr to the South (humans and half-orcs), seeking refuge or employment within a more pastoral area. Several barbarians are known to have settled the Valley and turned to lives as farmers or woodsmen, and with the recent incursions of the Vandrakki tribes in Wintersbreath to the north, it's likely these numbers will increase. CBH.7
Kits: Brushrunner, Brute, Forest Lord, Plainsrider, Ravager, Wizard Slayer
Barbarian Shaman: Even more obscure than their fighter brethren, barbarian shamans are nevertheless prominent parts of their Vandrakki tribes. As a player character, one would have to have exclusively become left behind a raid, or perhaps a refugee who doesn't agree with the actions and temperaments of his/her people. CBH.11
Kits: Dreamwalker, Flamespeaker, Medicine Man/Woman, Seer, Spiritist, Witchman
Bard: A good number of entertainers and troubadours pass through Floivin Keep and the surrounding communities, and some are home-bred, like the almost famous gnome minstrel Heckler Ronn, or the flamboyant Yellow Hen, who is known to give public recitals at important events. Bards are also common within the elf and half-elf bands of the Frail Forest. PH.58
Kits: Blade, Charlatan, Gallant, Gypsy-bard, Herald, Jester, Jongleur, Loremaster, Meistersinger, Riddlemaster, Skald, Thespian, True Bard
Blacksmith: Blacksmiths are invaluable assets to Floivin Province as they are nearly everywhere else on the continent of Thault. They're also slightly tougher when faced with combat situations than the other Sages & Specialists options, but still not at the same power level as most PC classes. S&S.34
Cartographer: Although a cartographer is not a hardy front line adventurer, he or she might prove useful at recording the exploits of other adventurers, or helping to crack open the various secrets and dungeons of the Vernal Valley. S&S.46
Cleric: The majority of the clerics in the Udders Well area follow Eleste, Warrior-Saint of the Eidolorn Empire. They are known for their flowing silver and white robes over armor, and the jeweled long swords they wield in her honor. Specialty priests devoted to Eleste are known as Favored Blades. However, there are some who instead favor Crake, the Raven Lord, a patron of travelers and revelry. Crake is most popular among halfings and elves, but even human travelers are known to offer him a limerick or prayer to guide them safely through the lands. Crake's clerics and specialty priests (know as Gadabouts) wield road-tested quarterstaves and are known to bless travelers with wreathes of pine cones, berries and raven feathers. In recent decades, the Dwarven gods have also once again risen to prominence, and a few followers of each now make their home in Floivin Province. PH.48
Kits: Nobleman Priest, Outlaw Priest, Pacifist Priest, Peasant Priest, Prophet Priest, Scholar Priest
Druid: A small sect of Crake's following, the Circle of the Crow, has invested themselves more closely in the landscape of the Vernal Valley, and attempt to curb the farmers into practices most safe for themselves and the wildlife of the Valley. They are few in number, and the only druids known for many miles about, although it's possible druids outside of the Circle might drift into the area from time to time. PH.51
Kits: Adviser, Avenger, Beastfriend, Guardian, Hivemaster, Natural Philosopher, Outlaw, Pacifist, Shapeshifter, Totemic Druid, Village Druid, Wanderer
Engineer: Engineers are fairly common throughout the dwarven population of Floivin Province, and their ranks continue to swell with the arrival of the Skirkwhistle Mining Co, as many humans and gnomes from Melethesz take up this career. While they're not powerful combatants or casters, they might offer some support options to other PCs. S&S.55
Fighter: Fighters make up the crux of the class population in Udders Well, whether they're soldiers of the Last Eidolorn or adventurers for hire. Archers and melee men both are common among all the races of the Vernal Valley and surrounding regions. PH.36
Kits: Beast-rider, Berserker, Cavalier, Gladiator, Myrmidon, Noble Warrior, Peasant Hero, Pirate/Outlaw, Swashbuckler, Wilderness Warrior
Guide: Guides urban and rural are fairly common in the Vernal Valley, and while this is not a class that can exactly compete with rangers or other outdoorsy types, they are at least one of the better Sages & Specialist options to have at your side in a fight. S&S.64
Healer: Somewhere between the cleric and the apothecary lies the healer, a soothsayer or mendicant who would be a fun option coming out of a smaller community or poorer district. S&S.75
Historian: Although most members of this class would be scholars and academics who rarely set foot outside the city and castle walls, some historians might seek out a more first-hand account of the legacies they record, or might become obsessed with some mystery of the past. S&S.84
Mage: The magical arts are the province of the Arkana Arkiva, a guild-council of wizards that meets at Flabbergast Manor in Floivin Keep, so-named for its unusual, shifting appearance and location throughout the town. The master of this order, Schnoo the Sorcerous, serves as counselor and right hand man to the current Regent Luciot, who has asked that the order keep a tight watch on who is performing magic in the area. Specialist wizards of all stripes exist within the Arkiva, and the Wizards Elite of neighboring Toul Tabor. PH.
Specialists: Abjurer, Conjurer, Diviner, Elementalist, Enchanter, Illusionist, Invoker, Necromancer, Transmuter, Wild Mage
Kits: Academician, Anagakok, Anatomist, Deathslayer, Fathomer, Militant Wizard, Mystic, Patrician, Peasant Wizard, Philosopher, Witch
Paladin: The clergy of the Warrior-Saint Eleste is also home to a small number of paladins, who serve as strong arms and complements to the ranks of the Last Eidolorn. Some are often given other goals which they work towards in the company of adventurers. Though rarer, some paladins might also follow the Dwarven deities whose faiths have recently undergone a renaissance. PH.38
Kits: Chevalier, Divinate, Envoy, Equerry, Errant, Expatriate, Ghosthunter, Medician, Militarist, Squire, True Paladin, Votary, Wyrmslayer
Ranger: Woodsmen and trackers are fairly common in the Udders Well region, especially the Frail Forest. Some work independently as hunters and guides, some alongside the Circle of the Crow, and others are found within the ranks of the Last Eidolorn as scouts and vanguards. PH.40
Kits: Beastmaster, Explorer, Falconer, Feralan, Forest Runner, Giant Killer, Greenwood Ranger, Guardian, Justifier, Mountain Man, Pathfinder, Seeker, Stalker, Warden
Scribe: Like historians, some scribes might wish to travel themselves to gain first-hand accounts of the stories of other people or places they encounter. There are many reasons a scribe might attach him or herself to an adventurer or adventuring group. S&S.97
Seer: Although the seer might creep out much of Floivin society, there is no question his or her skill set could come in handy for those who need to traffick with the dead. S&S.108
Thief: Thieves and cheats are an unfortunate byproduct of Floivin Keep society, especially in spring and summer months when the population swells through a large number of travelers and traders. The halflings of the Hosspotch are widely suspected to contain many rogues among them, but they've been crafty enough to avoid any major incident with the law. PH.54
Kits: Acrobat, Adventurer, Bandit, Beggar, Bounty Hunter, Burglar, Cutpurse, Fence, Investigator, Scout, Smuggler, Spy, Swashbuckler, Swindler, Thug, Troubleshooter
Multi-Class and Dual-Class combinations are also available as per the Player's Handbook, with the same race/level restrictions.
Barred Classes/Kits: Amazon, Amazon Priestess, Amazon Sorceress, Assassin, Barbarian, Barbarian Priest, Buccaneer, Elven Bladesinger, Fighting-Monk, Ghul Lord, Islander, Lost Druid, Ninja (and all Ninja kits), Psionicist, Samurai, Savage, Savage Druid, Savage Priest, Savage Wizard, Sea Ranger, Shadow, Skyrider, Undead Master, Windrider, Wu Jen