Friday, July 3, 2020

Floivin Province Communities

Vernal Valley Map

 (hamlet, pop. 100)
The tiny Cedarway was essentially a shipping stop where river craft were once laden with supplies to and from the Province of Wintersbreath. Now that all trade to that fallen province has ceased, it's grown into more of a fishing community, campground, and a stop off between the newly built Fort Hoary and the Keep. A small detachment of Last Eidolorn soldiers operates out of the Skunkside Tower, from which they send out patrols to the eastern Ridge. There aren't a great deal of permanent structures beyond the Tower, and old warehouse, a single shop, and a recently opened tavern. Much of the area around the river is populated with tents and camps, some in use and others left behind in pretty good shape for travelers. The Bounders use one group of tents east of the Pinewater as their local headquarters, and at least a few of them can be find here if one needed to get in touch with that particular organization.

Ettenhead (village, pop. 500)
Once a rather large fortress, the Ettenhead was later sacked by giants from beneath the Vernal Wall, and occupied for some time before a group of heroes reconquered it in 868ID. The place was to be rebuilt by dwarven smiths as another keep, but several years after the loss of those same heroes, the Last Eidolorn decided to re-purpose it into a military community which could help house the influx of new fighting men emigrating over from other provinces. Most of the stone shops and dwellings were made from the crumbling fortress walls and towers, and Ettenhead has really been cleaned up and neatly laid out, like an elaborate barracks. There are a decent number of local businesses which tend to the soldiers' families when they're out on assignment, and the inn, the Heroes' Last, features a shrine to those adventures which liberated the keep.

Floivin Keep (small city, pop. 6500)
A massive, fortified keep that sits atop the ancient, dwarven-crafted dam known as the 'Udders'. This is both the capital and cultural center for the Floivin Province of the Eidolorn Empire, and houses the current appointed ruler, Regent and Archprelate Luciot, his administrative cabinet, and over 300 soldiers of the Last Eidolorn Guard. Other noteworthy institutions within the city walls include the Arkana Arkiva (wizards' guild), the Cathedral of Blades, House Hosspotch, and the Well's Edge Market, a large, open-air bazaar which serves both the local community and the wealth of merchants and travelers who visit the city during the spring and summer seasons. Famous drinking holes here include the Dirty Dagger Alehouse, Seven Flood Inn, Twin Lizard Tap and the Fiery Rat. The Keep is accessed through two massive iron gates flanking the city, east and west, along the Udders on the Great Westermarch road, and the structure is extremely difficult to assault, due to its location upon the damn and the various anti-siege armaments the Last Eidolorn can employ when needed. Floivin Keep was built over 300 years ago by the Gnarlbottom clan, before they were assimilated into the expanding Empire. A few decades back, during the tumultuous events of 868ID, the Keep survived assaults from both an undead army and a githyanki incursion. A decade later it's as good as new, with most of the walls, businesses and properties rebuilt.

Fort Gurd (hamlet, pop. 200)
Named for the former General and temporary Regent of Floivin Province, Gurd Gnarlbottom, who was lost trying to liberate Wintersbreath from the Vandrakki raiders, today Fort Gurd is a fortified village blocking off the Vernal Valley from that same menace. Built fairly recent, in the mountain pass between Skunk Ridge and the Shark Dunes, Fort Gurd make a rather ingenious use of strong, high walls, ballista-mounted watch-towers and natural rock formations which should prove worthy to slow most approaching forces. The overwhelming majority of inhabitants are Last Eidolorn soldiers, with a few businesses to support them, like The Left Flank tavern and a branch of Hosspotch Holdings. There is also a Church of Eleste present on the Fort's rainwater runoff pond/drinking supply. A nearby mine called the Spiderfang has been boarded up ever since the Fort was established.

Fort Hoary (hamlet, pop. 100)
Another defensive settlement built to stave off potential threats from the Vandrakki that trampled Wintersbreath, this river community was named for the late General Hoary, a lifetime soldier who rose up through the ranks of the Last Eidolorn during the events of 868ID. Land was shored up from the Pinewater on its eastern bank, and then a thick, strong wall to stretch across the waters, with enough room only for small river craft to pass below, and a small keep from which the Eidolorn soldiers can watch. Just to the north is the newly constructed Blazebow tower with its burn-ready ballistae, meant to decimate threats on land or water, and to the south of the wall is the community of Fort Hoary proper: a small, walled military base, a good number of barracks, docks, and the Right Flank, the 'sister inn' to the Left Flank of Fort Gurd.

Halehusk (small town, pop. 1200)
This pastoral settlement town sits along the eastern bank of Udders Well, and serves as both a sizable fishing community and a farmer's market. It was the first settlement established when the Eidolorn Empire arrived in the Valley through the Great Westermarch road in 718 I.D. Today the population consists largely of cooks, fishermen, shippers and receivers who transport crops and livestock along the road to Floivin Keep and across the Well to other shoreline communities like Hobfast and Tarndim. The town is governed by the gruff Captain Caiman of the Last Eidolorn, the first member of his species (lizard man) to ever have enlisted, and defended by a consignment of 30 soldiers. Travelers may rest their feet at the Lone Wheel House or take their spirits at the Blind Vixen.

Hobfast (village, pop. 800)
Hobfast is a small community located on the western bank of the Udders Well, home to the local chapter of the Anglers' Guild. It's location in the Tooth Marsh makes it a popular haven for herbalists and hunters, and all manner of interesting crafts and items are made from resources found in the swamp. There's also a sizable presence of the Hosspotch family here, which runs the Crimson Harpy, i.e. the sole barroom that doubles as an inn (and gambling den). Grandfather Jordyn Hosspotch himself resides here, patriarch of the family, and a far more public figure than his predecessor. There are around 20 Last Eidolorn troops stationed in Hobfast, less than there used to be before the establishment of Camp Reedrustle to the south, but the current Regent's distrust of the halflings might see that number doubled again in the near future.

Hud Horrn (village, pop. 400)
The Hud Horrn is a former dwarven outpost upon which numerous human structures have been built. It's a popular location for prospectors as well as adventurers, for further along the Vernal Wall, on the Haunted Path lies a nearly identical stronghold known as Haunted Horrn. Rumors persist that the place is swarming with dangerous beasts from the depths of the mountains, and perhaps even the spirits of dwarf soldiers who were slaughtered there some 200 years past by an unknown force. The Hud Horrn itself is a tightly knit group of fortified buildings to protect against dire weather and other hazards of the heights, and a few abandoned mines lie beneath it. There's an inn here known as the Laughing Hand Lodge, and the Floivin Dungeoneer's Guild, which focuses on both exploration and mining for profit. Two score of the Last Eidolorn are permanently stationed in the Twin Hammer towers, but a number of other folks dwelling here are pretty handy in a fight. They need to be.

Littlewolf (hamlet, pop. 200)
Littlewolf is a small community which technically lies outside the jurisdiction of Floivin Province, as it is largely a gathering place for those of the Roodeye and Reddenbalm bands. However, the Empire does maintain a presence of 10 soldiers here by permission of Herr Jaeger Reddenbalm, the eldest and wisest elf in all of the Vernal Valley, over 800 years old! The elven bands take turns governing the hamlet, each 20 years. There are no drinking establishments in Littlewolf, but spirits and entertainment can be had by all, as the elves love to entertain for a fee or a favor. It is also the one place in all Floivin province where the Circle of the Crow maintains an 'official' presence. You can contact their representative Shayla the Swineherd, who is constantly toiling about with her stable of wild boars. In more recent times the Starbust Hourse has been established, a house for worship of Corellon Larethian, and a fencing school founded by an elf known as Grail 'the Whistleblade'.

Livenoak (village, pop. 700)
The hearty folk of Livenoak live on the border of the Frail Forest and Crown Pasture, and see a large amount of foot and mounted traffic through the year along the Great Westermarch road. Many foresters and trappers bring wooden craftable items, skins and furs to Livenoak to trade with merchants passing through, and the village is known for the beautiful sounds made by hundreds of wooden wind-chimes that hang from the tree-limbs and ramshackle tent houses. There's a large tent-hostel here known as Leaping Knuckle Lodge, where one can also purchase some cheap ale. Some 50 Last Eidolorn troops are stationed at Livenoak, although less than half are likely to be present at any time since they're patrolling a large swath of the Frail Forest, Crown Pasture and the Westermarch itself as it winds into Toul Tabor to the East.

Reedrustle (hamlet, pop. 100)
Once the tensions of 868ID arose with Sothos Karr, potentially threatening the 'truce' that had been struck between the orcs and Floivin Province, the leadership realized it was time to build some more permanent station for the Last Eidolorn soldiers who kept vigil over the Mimresh and also patrolled the Tooth Marsh. Reedrustle is the humble result, a gated stockade containing wooden barracks and some tents which belong to traders and travelers passing through. It has its own stables and lies directly on the Great Westermarch as it winds down towards the orc fortress. Four score Eidolorn troops reside there, half of which are present at any given time.

Skachalo (hamlet, pop. 200)
Skachalo is community established by the Skirkwhistle Mining Co. for the purpose of supporting the engineers and laborers in charge of building the Floivin side of the Underway, a new underground road which will ultimately connect Floivin Province and Melethesz, and boost the commerce and defense capabilities of both. The Skirkwhistle gnomes and Smeltbelly dwarves make up the bulk of the population, and there are structures here for processing ore, a giant rockfill to contain the unused rock, and a reservoir pond built to help power some of their modern, hydraulic digging. As part of the agreement, a new Last Eidolorn tower called The Crowneye was built, and a detachment of 10 troops helps guard and oversee Skachalo. The Skirkwhistles have also constructed a balloon launch which can take high paying customers or dignitaries above the mountains to the neighboring province, or perhaps even travel farther.

Stuckle Downs (village, pop 300)
Built atop the Stuckle family barrows in Skunk Ridge, Stuckle Downs is the home of one Odd Jon Stuckle, a local hero and unorthodox chef of some repute. With his success in business running the Fiery Rat at Floivin Keep, and several inheritances (from family an fallen friends), he decided to reinvest in a new community where his fortunes began. One of the youngest settlements in the Valley, it's a hilltop village protected by strong walls, with architecture not unlike that found in the Keep. There are several gatehouses for protection, an artificial fishing pond and canal system to keep the residents refreshed, a shrine built for one of Odd Jon's former companions, a fine inn called The Rusty Cudgel which the mayor himself oversees, and at the center of the village, a well-maintained park upon which the original entrance to the barrow lies. 20 Last Eidolorn soldiers are either manning the Barrow-watch tower or patrolling the nearby hills, and there's another popular attraction in the Weasel Tracks, where giant weasels from the Ridge are raced against one another and gambled on. The rumor that the losers are later prepared at the Cudgel, and their hides stuffed, might or might not be true...

Tarndim (hamlet, pop. 400)
The Dimtarn is a purely fishing community that lies on a small peninsula of land projecting into the Udders Well from the Skunk Ridge area. It's so deep in the Valley that there are only 10 soldiers assigned to its protection, and one of the few communities governed by a non-military personnel, Blake Bauerkroft, nephew of a previous Regent, who has been in charge for decades, and a good friend of mayor of Stuckle Downs. Most of its business is conducted by trades in other shoreline communities, so there is no real market here, unless you need a swift water craft or fine fishing gear. There is one cheap inn called the Steady Oar.