Martenin the 27th.
Melvin sets up an illusionary wall of rubble outside the Soldergard Crypt, that the PCs can rest inside. The 'night' thus passes uneventfully, with Tess only reporting to have heard some shuffling outside the chamber at one point. The Guild moves further into the natural caverns which seem to have split the Dwarf Lords' Rest asunder, and find the footing difficult. A pair of caves branches off from the broken corridor; one seems to contain a glass-like web, which the party avoids, and the other has a lot of jagged stone walls, ceiling and floor, and a crevasse from which a warm draft emits. The PCs notice what seems to be a clutch of eggs, stuck in some gooey substance, hanging over this deeper pit, the bottom of which they cannot see since it angles down. Soon they are surprised by a trio of rock-like creatures with frightening faces that hit hard and possess some magical ability. They are hard-pressed when two of the things start 'hugging' them, and Sir Stratton falls unconscious from the pain, but eventually the group emerges victorious and then they lower Mel to swipe the rocky eggs.

The party does what healing it can, though Stratton will have to be half-carried by Oatmeal for a bit. They detect magic on the pile of items they've accrued and then decide to skip the other natural cavern and proceed due West, after which the area becomes a finished dungeon again. Thus they enter the crypts of the Gnarlbottoms, which consist of a central room with its far exit guarded by statues and a wall of red light, as well as two branching corridors that each contain a number of smaller chambers. At the end of one of these corridors is huddled a half dozen undead dwarves who initiate combat, surrounding Gary who bravely (and foolishly) runs into their midst! He manages to transform into a mouse and escape, while the rest of the group fends off and inevitably defeats the things, although several take strength and constitution damage from the creatures' sapping blows. They rummage through and catalogue the rest of the crypts in the area, and notice some clicking sounds, which seem to have disabled the wall of red light.
They next follow another corridor into a much larger chamber noted as the 'Bellowbroths Burial Area', which contains rows of broken columns, a massive hammer-fisted statue, and a pool of glowing green goo into which an important looking crypt is half-submerged. There are more natural caverns beyond the south wall, products of the seismic activity that must have shattered the Rest, and there are several exits as well. Indrid, Finian and Gary split up and slowly make there way through the area to see if there's anything they are missing, when several of them come upon a strange, fiery light approaching them from a branching Northern corridor...
PCs: Finian Redfoot, Gary Greasewax, Indrid Hosspotch